Posts Tagged ‘McCain’

Gas Prices to Plummet

August 30, 2008

Billy Crystal, the editor of the Weekly Standard said on Fox News back in June that if McCain named Sarah Palin as his Vice-Presidential nominee the cost of gas would immediately plummet.  I am anxiously looking forward to getting up in the morning to fill up on cheap gas.

McCain Makes a Girl His VP!

August 29, 2008

When Barack Obama named Joe Biden as his vice-president it signaled that Obama did not have much confidence in his own experience or judgement and needed a more seasoned politician to help him out.  By choosing a woman with less experience than Barack Obama, McCain has shown that he is totally confident in his own experience and judgement to lead.  I am too.

At first, it might seem kind of strange to think of a girl in such a high political office, but really being a Vice-President is a lot like being a wife.  Your job mostly is to make excuses for the President, go to functions he doesn’t want to go to, run the senate even though they don’t let you vote, and make sure the President takes his medication.  These are all jobs that are well-suited for a woman.

Palin, like McCain is a maverick.  She won’t even let lobbyists in her office which is probably why she didn’t reallize she was on McCain’s short bus.  Senator Ted Stevens has represented Alaska since the Kennedy administration.  He said of Palin and her running mate for governor, “We have a state that needs new management.  These two people represent a new generation and they represent a new vision, a new energy.  They represent the kind of people who should come along and take our places.”  That’s high praise indeed from Alaska’s senior statesman.

Let’s face it at 72, McCain is an extra order of bacon from having a fatal grabber.  If he does Palin will become the country’s first woman President.  Her nearly 2 years of experience as governor of a state with a population bigger than all, but 17 cities in this country.  As it was pointed out on Fox News today, Alaska is next to Russia and she has managed to avoid any kind of invasion or undo Russian influence unlike Georgia.  She has also brings her expertise at culling the reindeer population to the lower 48.

With McCain’s own daughters nearing the aging of serious romantic relationships, I’m sure that they would be happy to have Aunt Sarah in office to make sure that they never get their heart broken by a federal employee without consequences.

Let’s ride John McCain’s coat tails to history lady.  McCain/Palin ’08 and one bout of snow shoveling by John McCain could be our path to history.

The Democrat National Convention

August 27, 2008

Anybody who saw Hillary’s amazing speech on Tuesday of the Convention saw that she should have been our President.  She was classy, eloquqent, and displayed strength and empathy for the problems of real Americans.  She presented such a strong case for Obama as the candidate who can best carry forth the goals and ideals that mean so much to her.  She was truely at her best last night and gave all Americans something to aspire to.

What Hillary has started we must continue.  We need quality health care for all men and women in this country, we need to safeguard the rights of all women, we need to improve the economy, and we must build a strong foreign policy by rebuilding the coalitions that have been tarnished by the Bush administration over the past 8 years.

My friends, there is only one man who can do these things.  Only one man with the experience to lead and who will bring Hillary’s goals to fruition and that man is John McCain.    There are 3 majors issues important to C.O.U.G.A.R.s (Cut Up Obama Get A Republican) and McCain is on the right side of all of them:

1. You don’t like Obama and neither does John McCain.  This is the ultimate sympatico.  Together, we can show Obama not to take women for granted.

2. Inheritance Tax – Let’s face it women live more than men.  They face a much heavier burden from the inheritance tax.  McCain wants to drop it to 15%.   Odds are you’re going to outlive your husband you might as well enjoy it.

3. Jobs – Yeah McCain isn’t big on equal pay for women, but with his robust foreign policy and openness to bringing back the draft who do you think gains?  Contrary to popular opinion the most liberating times in this country for women in the workforce weren’t the 70s and 80s, they were World War I and World War II.  When the men are overseas those jobs still need to get done and that means better jobs and better pay for women.  If we’re in Iran next year and Russia 2 years after that, McCain will completely shatter the glass ceiling once and for all.