Posts Tagged ‘Secret Muslim’

Listen to What They’re Not Saying

August 29, 2008

Nobody has denied that Obama is a secret Muslim.

Speakers at the Democrat National Convention have been quick to deny that Obama isn’t ready to be President or that he doesn’t have the expertise on the economy or foreign policy, but what haven’t they been saying.   With all the speakers, nobody has denied that Obama is a secret Muslim.  I would think that this is something the Democratic party would really want to clear up…unless of course its true.

Nobody has denied that Obama is ineligible to run for President because he is a citizen of Indonesia and not of the United States.   How strange.  Isn’t the something that it would be a good idea for even one of the Democrat speakers to clear up?  Well of course unless its true.

If you were a Presidential candidate who had a big flag painted on the outside of your plane, wouldn’t you want one of your surogates to let the people of the United States know this?  So far nobody has gotten up in front of the convention to claim this which puts doubt on Obama’s denial of charges that there is no flag on his plane.

Sure its easy for Democrats like us to get wrapped up in the convention, but ask yourself not just what they are saying, but what aren’t they saying?  It seems to me when a false charge is made against you, denial is an important first step…unless of course its true.